Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines, Third Edition (Series In Maternal Fetal Medicine) (Volume 2) 3rd Edition


[highlight color=”red”]Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines, Third Edition (Series In Maternal Fetal Medicine) (Volume 2) 3rd Edition[/highlight]


This new edition of an acclaimed text reviews the evidence for best practice in obstetric medicine, to present the reader with the right information, with appropriate use of proven interventions and avoidance of ineffectual or harmful ones, and by rating the evidence of the key references. The information is presented in the right format by summarizing evidence succinctly and clearly in tables and algorithms. The aim is to inform the clinician, to reduce errors and “to make it easy to do it right.”


Product Details

  • Series: Series In Maternal Fetal Medicine
  • Paperback: 380 pages
  • Publisher: CRC Press; 3 edition (December 12, 2016)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1498747469
  • ISBN-13: 978-1498747462


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