Saturday, July 27, 2024
MRCS - Question Bank Anatomy Review

MRCS Review – Anatomy Q4

The median nerve lies close to the brachial artery in the antecubital fossa. This is the usual site of surgical access to the brachial...
MRCS - Question Bank Anatomy Review

MRCS Review – Anatomy Q3

The clavipectoral fascia is situated under the clavicular portion of pectoralis major. It protects both the axillary vessels and nodes. During an axillary node...
MRCS - Question Bank Anatomy Review

MRCS Review – Anatomy Q2

The ureter lies anterior to L2 to L5 and stones may be visualised at these points, they may also be identified over the sacro-iliac...
MRCS - Question Bank Anatomy Review

MRCS Review – Anatomy Q1

Excessive intra-abdominal pressure may cause decreased venous return and hypotension. Since the preliminary laparoscopy did not show any major vascular catastrophe an emergency laparotomy...
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